NASA releases fresh data regarding Io,moon.

NASA releases fresh data regarding Io,moon.
                                                               (photo credit: PIXABAY)

Using data gathered from Jupiter's moon Io by the Juno mission, NASA produced this animation depicting lava and massive mountains.

As per the Newsweek report, the NASA Jupiter mission made many passes over Io in December and January.

On April 16, Scott Bolton told the media during the European Geophysical Union General Assembly in Vienna, "Io is simply littered with volcanoes, and we caught a few of them in action."

"We also got some great close-ups and other data on a 200-kilometer-long lava lake called Loki Patera," continued Juno principle investigator Bolton. These bizarre islands, which appear to be immersed in a possibly molten lake surrounded by flaming lava, are depicted in breathtaking detail."

Jupiter has ninety-five officially recognized moons, according to NASA. Galileo Galilei, an Italian astronomer, made the discovery of Io in 1610.

Code: 147258

With hundreds of volcanoes that may shoot sulfur dioxide plumes hundreds of kilometers into space, the moon is the most geologically active location in our solar system.

The strong pull of Jupiter and its neighboring moons is causing severe internal friction, which is the cause of this activity. Sulfur and silicate rock make up Io's surface, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) makes up the majority of the atmosphere.

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